
Thursday, May 14, 2015

One of those days...

Today has been one of those days. I was grumpy. My husband was grumpy. Neither of us felt good. Nothing worked out the way we thought it would. I ignored my kids and snapped at them. My husband did the same. Blah...My thought right before putting the kids to bed today was, "I hope this isn't my last day. Because it sure was an awful one." But I guess all I can hope is that tomorrow is a better day. Even more than hope though, I can make it a better day. I can have a better attitude. I can talk to and play with my kids. I can forgive my husband's grumpiness and see what I can do to make his day better. I can apologize and ask forgiveness for my grumpiness. I can ask Heavenly Father for strength to endure the pain that I am feeling in my body. I can ask him for courage to continue searching for answers as to why I still don't feel good. These are some things I can do to make tomorrow better. Today was awful, but tomorrow can be awesome. I have so many blessings. 
Today I helped set up and clean up for a funeral in my ward. It really made me think about death...One day, we'll all die. And that's it. I mean, I know Heavenly Father is merciful, and I don't have to be perfect because of the Atonement, but I really do need to make the most of my time here on earth. And I don't think I've been doing a very good job of that. But tomorrow I can try again and do better. I have an amazing, loving husband. I have two beautiful, fantastic kids. I have family and friends who love me and look out for me. I have a warm bed and food to eat. And I have countless other blessings. So even though today was not a day I would choose to live again, I can actually have a "do over" tomorrow and the next day and the next--until I get it right. This is because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for Him. I know He loves me and will help me get back up and fight. Sometimes every day seems like a fight--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And sometimes I get really tired. But He will help. He is there. He loves me. 
I am grateful for that.

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